Weimar Republic Overview: 1919 - 33
BBC video
The Weimar Republic can be divided into 3 'periods'
Foundation years - 1918 to 1923: German Revolution sees Germany go from being led by an autocratic Kaiser to becoming a democratic Republic; a New Democratic Constitution is drawn up; political & economic upheavals take place (Left wing e.g Spartacist uprising, right wing e.g Kapp & Hitler & hyperinflation). Recovery & Golden Years - 1924 to 1929: Economic, political & Cultural revival led by Gustav Stresemann. Suppression of political extremism e.g Nazis only 12 seats in 1928; Foreign Policy successes e.g Locarno Treaty & joining the League of Nations. (Spoiler alert - you need to assess both the strengths & underlying weaknesses of the Republic) Crisis Years 1929 to 1933: A worldwide depression leads to economic & political turmoil in Weimar Germany - collapse of parliamentary democracy & rise of political extremism. Nazis become largest party by July 1932 with 230 seats. German conservatives & big business put their support behind Hitler who comes to power (after a dodgy backstairs deal') in January 1933. |